Links with * take you to external websites | |
Homes of Hope Sponsor Me | Amazon Medical Project* |
Polio Plus* | ShelterBox* |

International Service encompasses efforts to expand Rotary's humanitarian reach around the world and to promote world understanding and peace. It includes everything from contributing to PolioPlus to helping Rotary Youth Exchange students adjust to their host countries.
Our club does not have the resources to engage in a large, international project on our own. We do, however, join in other clubs' projects or contribute to non-Rotary projects in an effort to effect change in some small way.
- Homes of Hope Sponsor Me - Our club is the sponsor for a young boy in Ecuador. He and his family live near the village of Ciudadela Rotaria Rio Guayas, where the Rotary Club of Branchburg, NJ has been working for years on strengthening the lives and facilities of the villagers.
- For a contribution of just $420 per year, a youngster is given breakfast and lunch, school uniforms and books, and receives two medical exams a year.
- Amazon Medical Project - Dr. Linnea Smith has spent her adult life in the Amazon jungle in Peru, living with and treating the indigenous population. Her heartwarming (and sometimes heart-wrenching) stories tell an amazing tale of her life with the natives, their struggles to deal with illness and disease in the middle of the jungle, and her fondness for the people that she loves. You can learn more about her at the Amazon Medical Project website.
- ShelterBox - We support our District and Rotary International at times of natural disaster through donations to ShelterBox tents for survivors. These tents not only provide shelter for ten people, they also include cooking and eating utensils, a portable stove, blankets, mosquito netting, and other essentials for those in need. Visit the ShelterBox website for more information.
These are but a few of the international projects that have supported over the years.