Seniors' FREE Pancake Breakfast

Look at those delicious pancakes by "Chef Ravenell." And we give them away at our Annual Senior Citizens Pancake Breakfast.
Every year we offer this breakfast as an opportunity for our seniors to get out of their apartments and homes and socialize during a morning of fun, fellowship, and delicious food.
We work with the Plainfield Senior Center to arrange busing from the senior housing buildings in Plainfield to the breakfast at Holy Cross Church in North Plainfield. The breakfast is open to all but we specially target our seniors.
Held every year on the last Saturday of October, we serve hundreds of pancakes, sausages, coffees and juice to all comers. A free will offering is accepted with all donations going to Rotary's "End Polio Now" campaign to eradicate poliomyelitis.
The members of the Interact Club at North Plainfield High School assist with preparation, serving the breakfasts, and cleanup.
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